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Parents and Partners Day at Penn Vet

Parents & Partners Day

"It takes a pack to raise a vet."

Family and friends are critical to the success of our veterinary students. Join us for a fun and informative evening to see what lies ahead for first year Penn Vet students! Hear from school leaders, staff, students and alumni and get to know more about the daily life of your veterinary student.

Hosted by the Office of Students, Parents & Partners Day is a chance for you to get a sneak peek into the life of your vet student and for us to show how much we appreciate those that support our students.

Get in Touch!

Meredith Lockyer,
Director of Students

This year, we would like to Welcome our Parents, Partners and supporters to a special evening on Monday, August 21, 2023. This will be the kick off to V’27’s Orientation week. Please plan to join us in the Hill Pavilion from 4 – 7 pm for information about the year ahead, tours of Penn Vet facilities and a reception featuring students, Orientation leaders and local alum who are experts in sharing their experiences in the program.

Please be sure to register for this event and to be kept in the loop for future events and student fundraising opportunities.

Parents & Partners Weekend - V'25

Penn Vet is excited to connect with some of the most important people in our students lives - their friends and families. We look forward to welcoming back our Parents and Partners for the Class of 2025 during their White-Coat Ceremony Weekend of November 10-11, 2023.

Continue to check back for additional information about this fall event.

For questions about the event, contact The Office of Students at 215-898-5434.