Penn Vet | News & Events
New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
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Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA
Emergency and Critical Care at New Bolton Center

What's New at New Bolton Center

There's always a lot going on at New Bolton Center. Here's where you can get all the news and learn about events that are coming up.

New Bolton Center News Stories


Learn Equine Insights from Experts at Free 2017-2018 First Tuesday Lecture Series

Sharpen your equine know-how with Penn Vet experts at a series of public First Tuesday Lectures hosted by New Bolton Center located in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania.

Using the Recovery Pool System

Dr. Dean Richardson to Discuss New Bolton Center’s Unique Pool Recovery System

Penn Vet’s New Bolton Center is home to the only raft-pool recovery system for large animals in the world. This unique method of recovering high-risk horses from anesthesia has, unlike many innovations in surgery, withstood the test of time. Dr. Dean Richardson, the Charles W. Raker Professor of Equine Surgery, will discuss this pioneering system as part of the First Tuesday Lecture series.

Food Animal Field Service

On the farm with Penn Vet’s Field Service

The School of Veterinary Medicine’s Field Service offers both routine and emergency care for equine and food animal clients within a 30-mile radius of the New Bolton Center Hospital. This service treats more than 24,000 patients at local farms annually.

New Bolton Center in the News
