New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
Emergencies & Appointments:
Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA

Life Outside of Class

Being a student at Penn Vet is undeniably challenging and requires constant studying, difficult exams, and high expectations from professors. However, it also offers opportunities for enjoyment, forming lasting relationships, and unwinding. There are various social gatherings available for Penn Vet students to participate in, including:

Contact Admissions

Hear from Penn Vet Students!

Please contact our team if you are interested in Penn Vet.

Student Events

VMD Student and patient taking part in Martin Luther King, Jr, Wellness Clinic at Penn Vet.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service - Penn Vet MLK Wellness Clinic

On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, Penn Vet hosts the MLK Wellness Clinic, reflecting the School’s commitment to honor Dr. King’s legacy. Organized by student members of the Shelter Medicine Club, this event offers pet owners who don’t have easy access to veterinary services a chance to get their animals vaccinated and examined. Dr. David Holt serves as the senior faculty clinicians, but the clinical staff comprises numerous Penn Vet clinicians, alumni, and current VMD students.

This past year, our student organizers included a human wellness component to our pet vaccination and wellness clinic. Pet owners were able to address their own personal dental and health concerns with RNs from Penn Nursing and Penn Dental students.

In its twelfth year, this special event reflects Penn Vet’s ongoing commitment to the Philadelphia community and supports animal and human well-being. Since the clinic’s inception, Penn Vet has served more than 2,000 animals. 
This clinic not only has enhanced the welfare of our community’s pets, but also contributes to the overall reduction of many preventable infectious diseases, including rabies. The clinic is Penn Vet’s flagship community event that educates owners on the well-being and care of their pets.

  • SAVMA Auction

    SAVMA AuctionThe annual SAVMA Auction is a great student fundraiser. Faculty and other members of the community donate items to be bid on at a silent auction. The funds go back to Penn Vet SAVMA. Learn all about it on our Penn Vet SAVMA Facebook and Instagram

  • Friday Socials

    Friday SocialsPretty much every Friday afternoon, students and other members of the Penn Vet community get together in the Quad to blow off steam and socialize. It's a good time to throw a frisbee and watch six dogs go for it at the same time!

  • Chili Cook Off

    Chili Cook-offIt’s Chili Cook-off night at Penn Vet! Students are lined up to taste their classmates delicious recipes! The fundraiser supports the Josh and Friends charity.

  • Skit Night

    It's your turn! You can finally blow off some steam, make fun of your favorite faculty member(s), and show off what it's like to have fun AND go to vet school. The sky is the limit -- let your imagination run wild! Check out the Skit Night video below and you'll understand what we mean.

  • Penn Vet Talent Show

    Our annual Penn Vet Talent Show features students, faculty, and staff. It's an opportunity for the Penn Vet community to demonstrate talents completely different from what they are studying, teaching, or practicing. We've had a conservatory-trained, concert-level flutist, guitar players, and jugglers. It's a great way to share your special talents!

Clubs & Organizations

  • Student Clubs at Penn Vet
    • Food Animal ClubACVIM (Penn Vet Student Chapter)

    • Alpha Psi
    • Equine Club (SCAAEP)
    • Feline Club
    • Food Animal Club
    • Humane Society of Veterinary Medicine Association at Penn (HSVMA)
    • Humane Society of Veterinary Medicine Association at PennInternational Veterinary Students Association (IVSA)
    • Jewish Network
    • Lab Animal Medicine Club
    • Lambda Vets
    • Neurology Club
    • One Health Club
    • Ophthalmology Club
    • Parasitology Club
    • Special Species Club
    • Pathology Club (ACVP, Student Chapter)
    • Penn Vet OEC (Orientation Committee)
    • Radiology Club
    • Reproduction Club (Society for Theriogenology)
    • Research Club
    • Shelter Medicine Club
    • Special Species Club
    • Sports Medicine Club
    • Student Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Society
    • Surgery Club
    • Vet Pets
    • Veterinary Business Management Association (VBMA)
    • Veterinary Business Management AssociationVOICE (Veterinarians as One Inclusive Community for Empowerment)
    • Wildlife Disease Association (WDA)
    • Wine Club

    To learn more about Penn Vet student clubs and organizations, please contact the Office for Students.

  • Penn Vet SAVMA

    Welcome to Penn Vet SAVMA!

    Our chapter is dedicated to improving the professional, social, and global possibilities for our students. With this site we hope to expand upon those opportunities by increasing connectivity and awareness of goings on at the school and national level.

    An organization can only be as great as its members (and we are that). There are many chances to get involved with activities, events, and committees. Once you register, you can look at the Members Section to learn more about the benefits and requirements of being a SAVMA member.

    SAVMA members are constantly taking up the charge of leadership, and gaining great experience in demanding roles. Leaders are needed in every microcosm of our profession, from heads of a practice to government officials. As a future veterinarian you will be looked upon as decisive figure-head, and many roles in our organization both locally and nationally will give you a true foundation in this regard.

    We must always move forward, promoting our profession, and as an organization with a unified voice we can do just that through current legislative initiatives enumerated on our Government Page. Though we constantly work at bettering ourselves for our profession we must also remember to better our profession as a whole.

    Both members and non-members are welcome to participate at our events.

    Our Mission:

    As the The University of Pennsylvania Chapter of the Student AVMA it is our mission:

    To increase the quality of veterinary student life through educational, social and cultural extracurricular activities.

    To foster an atmosphere of camaraderie and professional respect among students, faculty and administrators.

    To promote a sense of community spirit, educational excellence, recognition of accomplishments and wellness of body, spirit and mind.

Penn Graduate Resources

  • Penn Graduate Student Center
    • Asian-American Graduate Student Association
    • Black Graduate and Professional Student Association
    • Chinese Students & Scholars Association at Penn
    • EE Just Society
    • Equal Justice Foundation*
    • Fontaine Society
    • GAPSA
    • GET-UP
    • Global Health Interest Group
    • Graduate Romanic Association
    • Graduate Student Center
    • Hellenic Students Association
    • Jewish Graduate Student Network
    • Korean Graduate Student Association
    • LaGAPSA
    • LGBT λ Grads
    • Law School Light Opera Company
    • Newman Catholic Center
    • Peking University Philadelphia Alumni
    • Penn Biotech Group
    • Penn Engineers without Borders
    • Penn Graduate Christian Fellowship
    • Penn Graduate Consulting Group
    • Penn Graduate Investment Group
    • PGWISE
    • Rangoli: Indian Association at Penn
  • Penn Religious Organizations
    • Chaplain's Office
    • The Christian Association
    • Conservative Jewish Community at Penn
    • Daughters of Abraham - (Interfaith women's discussion and reading group)
    • Emmanuel Christian Fellowship (Renewal Presbyterian Church)
    • Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Action
    • Full Measure - (Christian A Capella Group)
    • Greek Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
    • Hillel at the University of Pennsylvania
    • Hindu Student Council/Young Jains of America
    • Impact Movement - (Christian students of the African Diaspora)
    • InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
    • J-BaGeL - (Jewish Bisexuals, Gays and Lesbians)
    • Jewish Renaissance Project (JRP)
    • Jewish Social Work Alliance
    • Lubavitch House at Penn (Chabad)
    • Mindfulness @ Penn
    • Muslim Students Association
  • Penn LGBT Center

    Whether you are questioning your identity, in the process of coming out, proudly identify as LGBTQ+, or a ally, the Center is your space. Not only do we offer peer mentorships, tons of space to study and socialize, and a calendar full of events, we're also a social and political hub for the queer community on campus, hosting over 25 undergraduate and graduate student groups. We are one of the oldest and most active LGBT centers in the country, and have been proudly serving the Penn queer community for 35 years. Join us at 3907 Spruce to study, relax with your friends, and learn more about Penn's LGBTQ life.  We are all committed to serving the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Pennsylvania.


Experience Philadelphia and New Bolton Center Campuses

Philadelphia is an endlessly captivating and vibrant city. It boasts top-tier museums, a thriving culinary scene with over 4,000 restaurants, and ample outdoor spaces ideal for hiking and biking. Its historic neighborhoods, lively festivals, and renowned music and scenes offer rich cultural experiences for everyone. It's a place that exudes excitement and promises an unforgettable experience for all.
Philadelphia skyline
Located in the Brandywine Valley, Kennett Square proudly bears the title of the Mushroom Capital of the World, with its farms providing approximately 60% of the nation's mushrooms. This area is steeped in Amercian history, including its significance in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. State Street serves as the heart of the town, teeming with vibrant local businesses, offering an inviting small-town atmosphere. 
Arial view of NBC Campus