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Dean Andrew Hoffman meets with members of the Dean's Alumni Council

Penn Vet Alumni Board

The Mission of the Penn Vet Alumni Board

The mission of the Penn Vet Alumni Board is to work closely with the Dean and Office of Alumni Relations on various projects to connect alumni, students, and the public to the Penn Vet community for the purpose of engagement, ambassadorship and mentoring.


Comprised of dedicated and experienced volunteers, the board is made up of alumni whose demonstrated passion display a strong understanding and commitment to fostering alumni involvement and advancing Penn Vet. The board aims to represent a broad diversity of class years, professional association, background, geography and more. In addition, the Alumni Board encompasses an emeritus group of longstanding, engaged alumni recognized for their outstanding service and whose voices continue to play an important role.

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Penn Vet Alumni Board Officers
  • President - Samuel H. Gilbert, ENG'11, V'15
  • VP of Alumni Engagement & Giving - Lindsay S. Shreiber, EE'84, V'91
  •  VP of Clinical and Professional Networking & Externships - Lisa H. Brody, V'16
  •  VP of Lifelong Learning - Kathleen Bishop, V'17

Penn Vet Alumni Board Members

Stacy Bartholomew-Massaro, V'15
Andrea Basque, V'21
Claire Blohm, V'18
Christine Bohn Kirnos, V'02
Kimberly H. Boudwin, V'09
Marisa Brunetti, V'10
Gia Anita Croce, V'92
Henry L. Croft, Jr., V'78
Adam G. Denish, V'93
Ian J. Driben, V'05
Susan G. Emeigh Hart, PhD, V'83
Karen M. Froberg-Fejko, V'96
Nathan D. Harvey, V'03
 Joanelle Hernandez-Lopez, V'12, SPP'13

Apryle A. Horbal, C'07, V'11
Amelia Knight, V'14
John R. Lewis, V'97
Souci Louis, V'20
James S. Lunig, V'84
Jeremy Maurer, V'16
Eileen Louise Mera, V'86
Stephen J. Peoples, V'84
Marne L. Platt, V'93
Dominick A. Pulice, V'86
Harold L. Russell, V'77
Maria Raymond Schnobrich, V'08
Wendy E. Vaala, V'80
Jacob R. Werner, V'00

Emeritus Members
Nathanael A. Oster, V'12 - Past President
Carla Chieffo, PhD, V'86, GR'98
Elaine P. Hammel, V'60
Peter H. Herman, V'69
Susan I. Jacobson, V'77
Charlotte Miller Keenan, V'77
Laurie J. Landeau, V'84, WG'84
Brenda Lewis Stewart, V'70
James V. Stewart, V'68
Raymond Stock, V'75, GG'S02
Marilyn B. Weber, V'75