New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
Emergencies & Appointments:
Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA


Assistant Professor of Clinical Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine

Contact Information:
New Bolton Center
382 W. Street Road

Advances in identification of Equine Herpes Virus infections and management of outbreaks; mitigation strategies for zoonotic disease risks, especially related to Rabies Virus; the efficacy of various specific biosecurity precautions in the face of infectious disease challenges.

Whitehill F, Wallace R, Bonaparte S, Hartloge C, Greenburg L, Panayampalli SS, Orciari L, Niezgoda M, Yager P, Pieracci E, McCullough J, Evenson A, Campagna R, Signs K, Stobierski MG, Austin C, Slager S, Ernst M, Kerins J, Simeone A, Singh A, Hale S, Stanek D, Shehee P, McCall C, Slavinski S, McDermott D, Schnitzler H, Lipton B Rabies in a Dog Imported from Azerbaijan – Pennsylvania 2021 MMWR 71: 696-689, 2022.

Pusterla N, Barnum S, Miller J, Varnell S, Dallap-Schaer B, Aceto H, Simeone A Investigation of an EHV-1 Outbreak in the United States Caused by a New H 752 Genotype Pathogens 10: 747, 2021.

Campagnolo ER, Moll ME, Tuhacek K, Simeone A, Miller WS, Waller KO, Simwale O, Rankin JT, Ostroff SM Concurrent 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection in ferrets and in a community in Pennsylvania Zoonoses Public Health 60: 117-24, 2013.

Petersen BW, Tack DM, Longenberger A, Simeone A, Moll ME, Deasy MP, Blanton JD, and Rupprecht CE Rabies in captive deer, Pennsylvania, USA Emerg. Infect. Dis. 18: 138-41, 2012.

Kristula M, Smith B, and Simeone A. The use of daily postpartum rectal temperatures to select dairy cows for treatment with systemic antibiotics Bov. Pract. 35: 117-25, 2001.

BS (Animal Bioscience with honors in Veterinary Science) The Pennsylvania State University, 1997

VMD (School of Veterinary Medicine) University of Pennsylvania, 2001