New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
Emergencies & Appointments:
Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA


Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Radiology (ACVR)

Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Radiology-Equine Diagnostic Imaging (EDI)

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Large Animal Diagnostic Imaging, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine

Contact Information:
University of Pennsylvania
School of Veterinary Medicine
Dept of Clinical Studies
New Bolton Center
382 West Street Road

My primary research and clinical interests are focused on cross-sectional imaging with an emphasis on novel MRI techniques and orthopedic imaging.

Scharf, A, Husbands, BD, Tremolada, G, Hostnik, ET Imaging features of benign synovial inflammation affecting the long digital extensor tendon sheath in a dog Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 64: E37-E40, 2023.

Scharf, A, Solis, CN, Sampson, SN, Glass, K, Watts, AE Suspensory ligament size does not change after plantar fasciotomy and neurectomy of the deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve by ultrasonographic assessment Veterinary Surgery 51: 259-269, 2022.

Barletta, M, Hofmeister, EH, Peroni, JF, Thoresen, M, Scharf, AM, Quandt, JE Influence of sedation on onset and quality of euthanasia in sheep Research In Veterinary Science 117: 57-59, 2018.

Scharf, A, Holmes, SP, Thoresen, M, Mumaw, J, Stumpf, A, Peroni, J MRI-Based Assessment of Intralesional Delivery of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Model of Equine Tendonitis Stem Cells International 2016: , 2016.

Scharf, A, Holmes, S, Thoresen, M, Mumaw, J, Stumpf, A, Peroni, J Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as a means to track mesenchymal stem cells in a large animal model of tendon injury Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging 10: 388-397, 2015.

B.S. (Chemical Engineering) Cornell University, 2011

PhD (Bioengineering) University of Georgia, 2016

DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) University of Georgia, 2018

Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Radiology (ACVR)

Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Radiology-Equine Diagnostic Imaging (EDI)