New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
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Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA


Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (SAIM)

Pamela Cole Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine

Clinical Specialties: gastroenterology, nephrology, urology, IBD in dogs
Research Areas: Inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal physiology, innate immunity, mast cells, large animal models, dog, cat, mucosal immunology
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The overriding goal of my research is to elucidate the mechanism of the protective role of the mast cell in IBD.

The long-term goal of my laboratory is to discover new functions of mast cells that could be used for design of new medications. Mast cells are ideal therapeutic targets due to their host of unique mediators that are not present in other cell types, but we are just beginning to understand some of their important functions, such as their anti-inflammatory activities.

My clinical interests are gastroenterology and nephrology/urology. I use clinical cases to illustrate the need for translational research.

Pohl Calvin S, Lennon Elizabeth M, Li Yihang, DeWilde Morgan P, Moeser Adam J S. Typhimurium challenge in juvenile pigs modulates the expression and localization of enteric cholinergic proteins and correlates with mucosal injury and inflammation. Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical 213: 51-59, 2018.

Lennon, E. M., Borst, L. B., Edwards, L. L., Moeser, A. J. Mast cells exert anti-inflammatory effects in an IL10(-/-) model of spontaneous colitis Mediators Inflamm 2018: 7817360, 2018.

Pohl, C. S., Lennon, E. M., Li, Y., DeWilde, M. P., Moeser, A. J. S. Typhimurium challenge in juvenile pigs modulates the expression and localization of enteric cholinergic proteins and correlates with mucosal injury and inflammation Auton Neurosci 213: 51-59, 2018.

Lennon, E. M., Hummel, J. B., Vaden, S. L. Urine sodium concentrations are predictive of hypoadrenocorticism in hyponatraemic dogs: a retrospective pilot study J Small Anim Pract 59: 228-231, 2018.

Cooper, R. L., Drobatz, K. J., Lennon, E. M., Hess, R. S. Retrospective evaluation of risk factors and outcome predictors in cats with diabetic ketoacidosis (1997-2007): 93 cases J Vet Emerg Crit Care (San Antonio) 25: 263-72, 2015.

Lennon, E. M., Hanel, R. M., Walker, J. M., Vaden, S. L. Hypercoagulability in dogs with protein-losing nephropathy as assessed by thromboelastography J Vet Intern Med 27: 462-8, 2013.

Lennon, E. M., Maharshak, N., Elloumi, H., Borst, L., Plevy, S. E., Moeser, A. J. Early life stress triggers persistent colonic barrier dysfunction and exacerbates colitis in adult IL-10-/- mice Inflamm Bowel Dis 19: 712-9, 2013.

Lennon, E. M., Hanel, R. M., Vaden, S. L. Thromboelastography in non-azotemic and azotemic dogs with protein-losing nephropathy J Vet Intern Med 25: 718, 2011.

Lennon, E. M., Hummel, J. B., Vaden, S. L. Urine sodium concentrations in hyponatremic dogs with hypoadrenocorticism J Vet Intern Med 24: 686, 2010.

Lennon, E. M., Boyle, T. E., Hutchins, R. G., Friedenthal, A., Correa, M. T., Bissett, S. A., Moses, L. S., Papich, M. G., Birkenheuer, A. J. Use of basal serum or plasma cortisol concentrations to rule out a diagnosis of hypoadrenocorticism in dogs: 123 cases (2000-2005) J Am Vet Med Assoc 231: 413-6, 2007.

DVM (Veterinary Medicine) North Carolina State University, 2007

PhD (Veterinary Medicine) North Carolina State University, 2015

Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (SAIM)