Shender, L. A., Cody, T., Ruder, M., Fenton, H., Niedringhaus, K. D., Blanton, J., Motes, J., Schmedes, S., Forys, E. Heavy Rainfall, Sewer Overflows, and Salmonellosis in Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger) EcoHealth 19: 203-215, 2022.Niedringhaus, K. D., Ganoe, L. S., Lovallo, M., Walter, W. D., Yabsley, M. J., Brown, J. D. Fatal infection with Versteria sp. in a muskrat, with implications for human health J Vet Diagn Invest 34: 314-318, 2022.Escobar, L. E., Carver, S., Cross, P. C., Rossi, L., Almberg, E. S., Yabsley, M. J., Niedringhaus, K. D., Van Wick, P., Dominguez-Villegas, E., Gakuya, F., Xie, Y., Angelone, S., Gortazar, C., Astorga, F. Sarcoptic mange: An emerging panzootic in wildlife Transbound Emerg Dis 69: 927-942, 2022.De Luca, E., Alvarez-Narvaez, S., Maboni, G., Baptista, R. P., Nemeth, N. M., Niedringhaus, K. D., Ladner, J. T., Lorch, J. M., Koroleva, G., Lovett, S., Palacios, G. F., Sanchez, S. Comparative Genomics Analyses Support the Reclassification of Bisgaard Taxon 40 as Mergibacter gen. nov., With Mergibacter septicus sp. nov. as Type Species: Novel Insights Into the Phylogeny and Virulence Factors of a Pasteurellaceae Family Member Associated With Mortality Events in Seabirds Front Microbiol 12: 667356, 2021.Niedringhaus, K. D., Nemeth, N. M., Gibbs, S., Zimmerman, J., Shender, L., Slankard, K., Fenton, H., Charlie, B., Dalton, M. F., Elsmo, E. J., Poppenga, R., Millsap, B., Ruder, M. G. Anticoagulant rodenticide exposure and toxicosis in bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in the United States PLoS One 16: e0246134, 2021.Niedringhaus, K. D., Brown, J. D., Murray, M., Oliveira, B. C. M., Yabsley, M. J. Chorioptic Mange in an American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) from Massachusetts, USA J Wildl Dis 57: 701-704, 2021.Niedringhaus, K. D., Brown, J. D., Ternent, M., Peltier, S. K., Van Wick, P., Yabsley, M. J. Serology as a Tool to Investigate Sarcoptic Mange in American Black Bears (Ursus Americanus) J Wildl Dis 56: 350-358, 2020.Niedringhaus, K. D., Brown, J. D., Sweeley, K. M., Yabsley, M. J. A review of sarcoptic mange in North American wildlife Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl 9: 285-297, 2019.Niedringhaus, K. D., Brown, J. D., Ternent, M., Childress, W., Gettings, J. R., Yabsley, M. J. The emergence and expansion of sarcoptic mange in American black bears (Ursus americanus) in the United States Vet Parasitol Reg Stud Reports 17: 100303, 2019.Niedringhaus, K. D., Nemeth, N. M., Sellers, H. S., Brown, J. D., Fenton, H. M. A. Multicentric Round Cell Neoplasms and Their Viral Associations in Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) in the Southeastern United States Vet Pathol 56: 915-920, 2019.Ford, A. K., Niedringhaus, K. D., Anderson, A. N., LaCour, J. M., Nemeth, N. M. Disseminated Mycobacterium kansasii infection in a white-tailed deer and implications for public and livestock health J Vet Diagn Invest 32: 147-151, 2020.Niedringhaus, K. D., Brown, J. D., Ternent, M. A., Peltier, S. K., Yabsley, M. J. Effects of temperature on the survival of Sarcoptes scabiei of black bear (Ursus americanus) origin Parasitol Res 118: 2767-2772, 2019.Clarke, L. L., Niedringhaus, K. D., Carmichael, K. P., Keel, M. K., Fenton, H. Congenital Ocular Abnormalities in Free-Ranging White-Tailed Deer Vet Pathol 55: 584-590, 2018.Peltier, S. K., Brown, J. D., Ternent, M. A., Fenton, H., Niedringhaus, K. D., Yabsley, M. J. Assays for Detection and Identification of the Causative Agent of Mange in Free-Ranging Black Bears ( Ursus Americanus) J Wildl Dis 54: 471-479, 2018.Williams, B. M., Cleveland, C. A., Verocai, G. G., Swanepoel, L., Niedringhaus, K. D., Paras, K. L., Nagamori, Y., Little, S. E., Varela-Stokes, A., Nemeth, N., Wyrosdick, H., Tucker, A., Deal, L., Gauthier, D., Prouty, S., DeAngelo, C., Marsh, A., Piepgras, D., Cook, L. H., Milliren, K. B., Becker, J. S., Lyons, C., Clark, J., Stumph, J., Borst, M. M., Craig, T., Tucker, K. L., Ward, A., Baird, E. M., Burke, K. A., Camp, J. W., Davis, C. A., Pulaski, C. N., Yabsley, M. J. Dracunculus infections in domestic dogs and cats in North America; an under-recognized parasite? Vet Parasitol Reg Stud Reports 13: 148-155, 2018.Niedringhaus, K. D., Brown, J. D., Ternent, M. A., Cleveland, C. A., Yabsley, M. J. A Serosurvey of Multiple Pathogens in American Black Bears (Ursus americanus) in Pennsylvania, USA Indicates a Lack of Association with Sarcoptic Mange Vet Sci 6: , 2019.Sapp, S. G. H., Gupta, P., Martin, M. K., Murray, M. H., Niedringhaus, K. D., Pfaff, M. A., Yabsley, M. J. Beyond the raccoon roundworm: The natural history of non-raccoon Baylisascaris species in the New World Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl 6: 85-99, 2017.