- equine pulmonary function testing (open plethysmography)
- measurement of airway reactivity (histamine bronchoprovocation)
- measurement of equine mucociliary clearance
- beta-2 adrenoceptor tachyphylaxis investigations
- equine endotoxemia/sesis models
- rodent oro-tracheal intubation and ventilation
- rodent pulmonary function testing, plethysmography
- rodent (mouse, rat) unilateral pneumonectomy
- rodent lung/pulmonary compensatory re-growth model
- mouse adult pulmonary stem cell investigations
- Equine pulmonary function testing (open plethysmography)
- Measurement of airway reactivity (histamine bronchoprovocation)
- Large animal intensive care; hemodynamic, cardiopulmonary monitoring
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DVM (veterinary medicine) University of Georgia, 2001American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (LAIM)
Tufts University (2002 to 2005)
Resident, Large Animal Internal Medicine
Tufts University. (2001 to 2002)
Intern, Large Animal Internal Medicine