
  • In this section, you will find everything you need to create an account, log in, submit samples, and find out about costs and payment. 
  • We also provide additional resources that can help you learn more about canine and feline testing. 

Creating a PennGen Account

In our effort to streamline the process of sample submissions, payments, tracking, and reporting, we no longer accept handwritten submission forms.

  • The PennGen Sample Submission Application will enable users to request a test, track the status, pay online using a credit card and view and print the results thereafter.
  • In order to use this application, you must create a PennGen account and login here.
  • 1. Determine the specific type of test you are requesting

    Specific DNA Tests may be breed-specific or appropriate for multiple breeds. Screening tests (Fanconi Syndrome, Metabolic Screening, and Urine Cystinuria tests) are not limited to specific breeds. Both a screening test and a DNA test are appropriate for some diseases. For example, Newfoundland dogs can be tested for cystinuria by a Urine Cystinuria Test (also known as the Nitroprusside Test); however the exact mutation causing cystinuria in Newfoundlands is known, and a DNA test will reveal the exact genetic status of the dog - normal, affected or carrier. Note that for a few tests, a prior approval is required. Use the PennGen Test Finder to search by breed or by disease to identify the tests you need.

  • 2. Collect the appropriate sample and label with owner and animal name, date, and test

    For DNA Tests, 1–2 ml of whole EDTA blood or 2 cheek brushes per animal. For Metabolic Screening, Fanconi Syndrome Screening and Urine Cystinuria Screening, 3–5 ml of urine (free catch or cystocentesis) is required. Additional links on this page will guide you to the specific detailed instructions.

  • 3. Log in to our Sample Submission Application

    If you don't already have a PennGen account you can create an account here. If you have an existing account, you can login here. If you forgot your password, you can get a new password here. The sample submission application will open in a new window, so these instructions will not disappear.

  • 4. After you log in to your account

    After you log in to your account create animal record and then create a submission to request the specific test for your animal/patient.

  • 5. Fill in as much detail as possible, particularly for Metabolic Screening

    Clinical signs need to be detailed but succinct; please do not copy and paste all CBC/Chem screen if it is normal. Instead, a summary is much more helpful, e.g., "Chem Screen - Unremarkable, CBC- PCV 13%, retic 25%." For metabolic screens, it is important to include the reason for testing, especially a tentative diagnosis or list of current differential diagnoses. For Fanconi Syndrome, it is crucial that you fill in dietary information including Brand, Type, Amount, Duration on this food, supplements and TREATS (of ANY kind - jerky chicken, raw meat etc.).

  • 6. When you are finished adding all the tests you would like to request for an animal

    When you are finished adding all the tests you would like to request for an animal, make sure you select "Mark the submission as Complete" when you are finished adding all the tests you would like to request for an animal. This will create and display a submission sheet with a unique Submission ID. You will see Print Submission Sheet button at the bottom of the page, which you can click on to print the completed submission sheet.

  • 7. Pack the printed submission sheet with your sample

    Pack the printed submission sheet with your sample. Check to ensure the sample is labeled with your name, your animal’s call name, and the test being requested.

  • 8. Choose the correct shipment method

    Choose the correct shipment method based on the test you have requested. For international shipments, a customs declaration and proforma invoice must be completed and included with the shipment (outside and inside package; see International Shipping instructions at the bottom of either DNA Testing Instructions or Metabolic Testing Instructions).

  • 9. Check the status of your sample

    Check the status of your sample on the sample submission application. If the status still shows "Waiting to be received" please check with your shipping company before contacting us.

  • 10. Once the status of your sample is marked as "Received"

    Once the status of your sample is marked as "Received", it typically takes 1–4 weeks to run the tests, depending on the workload in the lab, the frequency of that test being requested, and the sample type (blood vs. swab for DNA tests). So, please allow 3 weeks before contacting us to inquire about the results/delay.

  • 11. After the testing is completed

    After the testing is completed, the status changes to "Billed" and you will also receive a billing notification email.

  • 12. Pay online with a credit card

    The billing notification email will contain a secure link to enable you to pay online with a credit card. Immediately after the payment is successfully made, the status changes to "Completed" and you will be able to view the results online. A copy of the report will also be emailed at that time.

  • 13. About your results

    To expedite the turnaround time, we e-mail the results rather than using conventional mail delivery, so please verify that the primary e-mail address on your account is current and valid. Sometimes, our emails can end up in your spam/junk folder, so please check those folders if you have not received our emails to your inbox.


If you have questions or queries at any stage of the submission process, please feel free to contact us.