New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
Emergencies & Appointments:
Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA

Penn Vet Research Council

The Research Council is comprised of the dean, vice dean for research and academic resources, departmental chairs, and faculty representation from each department. Meetings are convened by vice dean for research and academic resources, Phillip Scott. The Research Council meets monthly to discuss recruitment and searches in progress; Penn Vet and University of Pennsylvania policies; research infrastructure planning; and research resources for faculty, school-wide as well as campus-wide.

Research Council
Montserrat Anguera, Penn Vet

Montserrat C Anguera, PhD

  • Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences
  • Department of Biomedical Sciences
Dr. William Beltran, Penn Vet 

William A Beltran, DVM, PhD

  • Professor of Ophthalmology
  • Department of Clinical Sciences & Advanced Medicine
Dr. Andres Blanco, Penn Vet

M. Andres Blanco, PhD

  • Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences
  • Department of Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Igor Brodsky, Penn Vet

Igor E Brodsky, PhD

  • Chair, Pathobiology
  • Associate Professor, Pathobiology
  • Department of Pathobiology
Dr. Katrin Hinrichs, Penn Vet New Bolton Center

Katrin Hinrichs, DVM, PhD

  • Professor of Reproduction
  • Harry Werner Endowed Professor of Equine Medicine
  • Chair, Department of Clinical Studies-New Bolton Center

Andrew Hoffman, DVM, DVSc

  • Gilbert S. Kahn Dean of Veterinary Medicine
  • Professor, Large Animal Medicine
Dr. Christopher Hunter, Penn Vet

Christopher A. Hunter, PhD

  • Mindy Halikman Heyer Distinguished Professor of Pathobiology
  • Department of Pathobiology
Dr. Leslie King, Penn Vet

Leslie B King, PhD

  • Scientific Director of Grant Development
Kathy Kruger, Penn Vet

Katherine A. Kruger, MSW

  • Senior Research Resources Manager
  • Office of Research and Academic Resources
Christopher J. Lengner, PhD

Christopher J. Lengner, PhD

  • Harriet Ellison Woodward Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences
  • Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences
 Dr. Elizabeth Lennon, Penn Vet

Elizabeth M Lennon, DVM, PhD

  • Pamela Cole Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine
  • Department of Clinical Sciences & Advanced Medicine
Jillian Marcussen, Penn Vet

Jillian Marcussen, MPA

  • Chief of Staff, Office of the Dean
Dr. Mark Oyama, Penn Vet 

Mark Oyama, DVM, MSCE

  • Chair, Clinical Sciences & Advanced Medicine
  • Charlotte Newton Sheppard Endowed Chair of Medicine,
  • Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences & Advanced Medicine
Dr. Kyla Ortved, New Bolton Center

Kyla Ortved, DVM, PhD

  • Jacques Jenny Endowed Term Chair in Orthopedic Surgery
  • Assistant Professor of Large Animal Surgery, Department of Clinical Studies, New Bolton Center
Dr. Jenni Punt, Penn Vet

Jennifer Punt, VMD, PhD

  • Associate Dean for One Health
  • Professor of Immunology
  • Department of Pathobiology
Dr. Ellen Puré, Penn Vet

Ellen Puré, PhD

  • Grace Lansing Lambert Professor of Biomedical Science
  • Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Laurel Redding, Penn Vet New Bolton Center 

Laurel E Redding, VMD, PhD

  • Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
  • Department of Clinical Studies-New Bolton Center
Robert Schieri, Penn Vet

Robert Schieri, MBA, CPA

  • Vice Dean of Administration and Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Phil Scott, Penn Vet

Phillip Scott, PhD

  • Vice Dean for Research & Academic Resources
  • Professor of Microbiology & Immunology
  • Department of Pathobiology

Hyemi Sevening

  • Associate Dean of Institutional Advancement
Dr. Boris Striepen, Penn Vet

Boris Striepen, PhD

  • Professor of Pathobiology
  • Department of Pathobiology
Andrew Vaughan, PhD, Penn Vet

Andrew E Vaughan, PhD

  • Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences
  • Department of Biomedical Sciences