History of autoimmunity, immune-mediated disease (e.g., IMHA, ITP, IMPA etc.), colitis, IBD, endocrine disorders (e.g., hypothyroidism, hypoadrenocorticism, etc.) or hepatopathies (AST or ALT >1.5x ULN; bilirubin >2.0mg/dL)
Received chemotherapy, radiation therapy or immunotherapy within the last 4 weeks.
Significant co-morbidities: Creatinine > 3.0 mg/dL; Bilirubin > 2.0 mg/dL, or elevated bile acids; HCT < 25%, or platelets <50,000/μL; Any >grade 2 hematologic or biochemical abnormality
Glucocorticoid therapy within the last 7 days
Daily drug administration (insulin, fludrocortisone, etc.) for the control of unregulated chronic disease
Concurrent use of either CYTOPOINT or APOQUEL
Body weight >60kg
Clinically significant metastatic disease