*All genes that are bolded were identified by members of the Division of Experimental Retinal Therapies.
** adPRA, autosomal dominant PRA; BBS, Bardet-Biedl syndrome; CD, cone degeneration; cord1, cone-rod dystrophy 1; CRD, cone-rod dystrophy; crd1/2/3/4, cone-rod dystrophy 1/2/3/4;CSNB, congenital stationary night blindness; erd, early retinal degeneration; LCA, Leber congenital amaurosis; PRA, progressive retinal atrophy; prcd, progressive rod-cone degeneration; rcd1/1a/2/3/4, rod-cone dysplasia 1/1a/2/3/4; RP, retinitis pigmentosa; STGD, Stargardt disease; XLPRA, X-linked PRA