Penn Vet | Clinical Trial Detail - Amantadine in conjunction with carprofen for improvement of lameness and pain secondary to osteoarthritis in dogs
New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
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Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA

Amantadine in conjunction with carprofen for improvement of lameness and pain secondary to osteoarthritis in dogs

May 19, 2023

The purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy of amantadine in combination with carprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) already approved for use in dogs, to manage refractory pain associated with osteoarthritis in dogs.

Dogs will be enrolled for approximately 8 weeks and will come to Penn Vet for a total of three visits. Enrolled dogs will receive carprofen for the duration of the study and will be randomized to also receive either amantadine or a placebo along with the carprofen for the second half of the enrollment period.


  • Dogs weighing more than 15kg (33 lbs)
  • Dogs with osteoarthritis associated lameness for at least 3 months duration despite historic use of an NASID.
  • Dogs with evidence of osteoarthritis on orthopedic exam and x-ray.
  • Dogs with NO instability in any joint (such as from a cruciate ligament tear).
  • Dogs who have NOT received an injection into a joint within 6 months of enrollment.
  • Dogs who have NOT had any orthopedic surgery within one year of enrollment.
  • Owners able to administer twice daily medication and complete questionnaires.


  • Orthopedic exams, bloodwork, urinalysis, and x-ray at no charge
  • All study visits and study medications at no charge
  • $75 gift card upon completion of all study visits

If you have a dog that may be eligible, please contact the VCIC at 215-573-0302 or