Penn Vet | Clinical Trial Detail - Intraoperative Detection and Resection of Tumors in Canines Using an Integrated Spectroscopy and Imaging System
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Intraoperative Detection and Resection of Tumors in Canines Using an Integrated Spectroscopy and Imaging System

Oct 14, 2020

The aim of this study is to improve detection of surgical margins and metastatic lymph nodes at the time of surgery to remove the tumor. This is vital in both veterinary and human surgical oncology to minimize the chance of local recurrence. We are using a new near-infrared imaging agent injected intravenously and a novel imaging system to identify the tumor and its margins during surgery. This imaging adds no more than 15 minutes to a surgical procedure.

Inclusion Criteria:

Dogs with a primary lung tumor that require surgery and have no evidence of tumor spread.  Ideally dogs should have recent blood work and good quality thoracic radiographs to rule out metastatic disease for inclusion in the study.


Eligible dogs will have their surgical treatment subsidized by $3,000.


If interested in enrolling your dog in this study, or would like to learn more, contact the VCIC at 215-573-0302 or for more information about this or any of our other studies.