The purpose of this study is to assess a new targeted investigational agent called PSMA-MMAE-Pc413 combined with a laser in local and metastatic disease in dogs diagnosed with prostate cancer.
In this study, we will test a new research medication that combines a chemotherapy drug called MMAE (monomethyl Auristatin E) and a light-sensitive drug (Pc-413) and a laser light source (photodynamic therapy) to kill cancer cells in the prostate and in other areas of the body (metastatic disease).
These two agents are linked to a molecule that binds to PSMA (prostate specific membrane antigen), a cell surface marker that is produced by prostatic cancer in large quantities. The research medication is inactive until it binds to PSMA. When the research medication binds to PSMA it is taken into the cell and activated. This means the research medication is targeted specifically to prostate cancer cells. The overall goal is to use this new research medication that is specific to prostate cancer cells to kill the cancer.
This study will cover the specific study related diagnostics once your dog is enrolled:
• Chest X-rays
• Abdominal ultrasound
• Prostate aspirate
• Blood work (CBC and chemistry)
• Urinalysis
• Physical examination
All costs associated with the theranostic infusions and laser will be covered by the study including the fees associated with hospitalization. The study will cover the cost of the recheck visits every 2 months following the treatments, including the physical examination, blood work, urinalysis, chest x-rays and abdominal ultrasound fees. If your dog needs sedation for any of the study related procedures, the study will cover the cost of the sedation as well.
Contact the VCIC at 215-573-0302 or email for more information.