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One Health @ Penn Vet

The growing recognition that human, animal, and environmental health are intimately connected, as defined by the World Health Organization, is known as One Health. This has led to an understanding that interdisciplinary educational and research approaches are critical to address the complex health challenges presented by this intersecting paradigm. A global leader in veterinary education and One Health initiatives, Penn Vet and its University partner schools are developing opportunities for faculty and students to engage in interdisciplinary problem solving to address human, animal and environmental health and welfare.


To prepare students to think and work across disciplines, Penn Vet offers several unique graduate programs and courses for veterinary students, as well as for graduate students from across the University.

One Health in One Minute Videos

Gain insight into One Health's approach to improving the efforts to solve global challenges like antimicrobial resistance, food security, and climate change, promoting better health for people, animals, and the environment. Watch these videos created initially for One Health Day, held on November 3, 2024.  
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For veterinary and graduate students: Interdisciplinary courses:

One Health Study Design (VPTH 6500)
One Health and Global Food Security (VCSN 6570)
One Health and Climate (in development)

For Animal Welfare and Behavior graduate students: MSc and Graduate Certificate programs


To support One Health interdisciplinary research, Penn Vet’s inaugural One Health in Action (OHiA) faculty team is developing multiple opportunities for investigators to share their work with each other and the public.

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OHiA Seminar Series
OHiA Summer Journal Club
One Health@Penn Fellowship for post-graduate students (in development)

In addition to the One Health Fellowship, the University’s Environmental Innovations Initiative is supporting the One Health@Penn Research Community (OHPRC), a group of University-wide faculty and students from diverse scholarly backgrounds committed to identifying One Health related challenges and opportunities. The OHPRC is developing an initial portfolio of academic activities and programming, and student led projects, that will explore the challenges raised by long-term shifts in weather patterns due to climate change

  • OHiA Faculty Members

    Stephen Cole, MS, VMD
    Assistant Professor of Clinical Microbiology
    School of Veterinary Medicine

    Julie Ellis, MS, PhD
    Co-Director, Wildlife Futures and One Health in Action
    School of Veterinary Medicine

    Erick Gagne, MSc, PhD
    Assistant Professor of Wildlife Disease Ecology
    School of Veterinary Medicine

    Lisa Murphy, VMD
    Professor of Toxicology, Co-Director, Wildlife Futures Program
    School of Veterinary Medicine

    Hillary Nelson, PhD, MPH
    Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Director, MPH Program
    Perelman School of Medicine

    Brianna Parsons, VMD, MsEd
    Lecturer in Sustainable Agriculture
    School of Veterinary Medicine

    Jenni Punt, VMD, PhD
    Associate Dean of One Health, Professor of Immunology
    School of Veterinary Medicine

    Laurel Redding, VMD, PhD
    Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
    School of Veterinary Medicine

    Caroline Sobotyk, DVM, MSc, PhD
    Assistant Professor of Clinical Parasitology
    School of Veterinary Medicine

    Brittany Watson, MS, VMD, PhD
    Associate Professor of Shelter Medicine and Community Engagement
    School of Veterinary Medicine

    Elizabeth Woodward, PhD
    Clinical Associate Professor
    School of Veterinary Medicine

  • OHPRC Members

    Ricardo Castillo, PhD, DVM, MSPH
    Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
    Perelman School of Medicine

    Julie Ellis, PhD
    Co-Director, Wildlife Futures and One Health in Action
    School of Veterinary Medicine

    Dipti Pitta, PhD
    Mark Whittier and Lila Griswold Allam Associate Professor
    School of Veterinary Medicine

    Farah Hussain, MD
    Director of Planetary Health
    Perelman School of Medicine

    Jennifer Pinto-Martin, PhD, MPH
    Viola MacInnes/Independence Professor of Nursing, Professor of Epidemiology
    School of Nursing

    Jisung Park, PhD
    Assistant Professor – Environmental and Labor Economist
    School of Social Policy & Practice

    Zachary Herrmann
    Executive Director of the Center for Professional Learning
    Graduate School of Education

    Bethany Wiggin, PhD
    Professor of German, Founding Director, Penn Program in Environmental Humanities
    School of Arts and Sciences

    Katie Barott, PhD
    Assistant Professor of Biology
    School of Arts and Sciences

    Jon Hawkings, PhD
    Assistant Professor, Dept of Earth and Environmental Science
    School of Arts and Sciences

    Susanna Berkouwer, PhD
    Assistant Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy
    The Wharton School

    Shu Yang, PhD
    Joseph Bordogna Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Science

    Emily Falk, PhD
    Professor of Communication, Psychology, and Marketing
    Annenberg School for Communication

    Allie Sinclair, PhD
    Postdoctoral Fellow, Communication Neuroscience Lab
    Annenberg School for Communication

    Shelley Welton, PhD
    Presidential Distinguished Professor of Law and Energy Policy
    Carey Law School

    David Gerard Gouverneur Malakoff
    Associate Professor of Practice
    Stuart Weitzman School of Design

Student-led Initiatives

Penn Vet and Penn Med students are also involved in highlighting, enhancing and supporting One Health approaches and education.

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One Health@Penn website
One Health Club at Penn Vet
One Health Club at Perelman’s School of Medicine
One Health Research@Penn Storyboards
List of scholars/investigators at UPenn engaged in One Health Research
