New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
Emergencies & Appointments:
Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA
Aplio ultrasound, New-Bolton-Center

Telehealth at New Bolton Center

Not every medical situation can be dealt with in-person, be that in the field or in the hospital. For these cases, the New Bolton Center offers telehealth options for both our referring veterinarians and our clients.

What is Telehealth?

It encompasses teleconsultation and telemedicine, fostering collaboration among clinicians from various institutions. It enables external experts to contribute insights and deliver customized solutions on a case-by-case basis.

Teleconsultation is a consultation between a veterinarian to a specialist.

How it works:

  • The on-site veterinarian will request a consult with a specific clinical service. 
  • The on-site veterinarian and the tele-clinician from New Bolton Center will evaluate and consult on the case remotely, and the on-site veterinarian will maintain the responsibility of diagnosis and treatment.
  • The New Bolton Center tele-clinician will send reports and monitor records as well as follow-up.

    Please note that the teleconsultation service will not substitute professional courtesy and exchange of ideas, nor is it meant to be a substitute for traditional referrals. Also, be advised that a Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR) cannot be established by electronic means. 

Telemedicine is a consultation between a veterinarian to a client.

How it works:

  • The animal owner will request a consult with New Bolton Center’s Field Service.
  • The field service clinician from New Bolton Center will evaluate a case through a "virtual visit" aided by telecommunications technology.
  • The New Bolton Center clinician will send reports and monitor records as well as follow-up.

Schedule a Telehealth Appointment

If you are a veterinarian contact:
Dr. Cristobal Navas de Solis
Phone 979-229-4937
If you are a field service client contact:
Dr. Olivia Lorello
Phone 610-925-6310
All regular medical questions and referrals will be handled as usual through the clinic phone number. We continue to welcome your phone calls and emails or visits to discuss cases.

Your patients will stay under your care, while we provide another route for you to offer the best care possible.

For Emergencies: Call 610-444-5800, 24 hours/day, 365 days/year 

Benefits of Telemedicine and Teleconsultation

  • Telehealth saves time, and reduces the need for animal and personnel movement.
  • Animals receive veterinary medical care of the highest level while following best practices on social distancing.
  • Telemedicine and teleconsultation minimize human exposure, whilst maintaining patient care.
  • These types of service provide both clinical and educational assistance to underserved, remote areas.
  • Innovative educational opportunities for clinicians, medical experts, and veterinary students can take place in both a just-in-time delivery method, or in a virtual environment.
  • Telemedicine and Teleconsultation provide clinical education for veterinarians, veterinary nursing staff, and students.

Our Care Team

Cristobal Navas de Solis, LV, MS, PhD, DACVIM (LA)
Assistant Professor of Cardiology/Ultrasound and Internal Medicine

Olivia Lorello, VMD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Clinical Equine Field Service

Claire Underwood, VetMB, MA, PhD
Assistant Professor of Clinical Large Animal Imaging