New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
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Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA

Our History

One of Penn Vet's original classrooms

Since its inception in 1884, Penn Vet, the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, has gained worldwide recognition as a highly distinguished veterinary institution. It is the only veterinary school in the United States that originated directly from the University's School of Medicine.

Penn Vet has been a pioneer in several areas such as infectious disease research, germ cell biology, animal transgenesis, comparative oncology, and comparative medical genetics. Furthermore, the school has successfully integrated scholarship and research into all aspects of veterinary medical education.

Additionally, the school's expertise in fundamental sciences, immunology, and mathematical modeling plays a critical role in devising strategies for the early detection and control of new infections and designing vaccines that effectively protect animals.

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Penn Vet History Resources

From images to archives, from Bellwethers to books to a seminal talk by Dr. Benjamin Rush on the veterinary profession, you can find it on the Penn Vet History Resources webpages.