New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
Emergencies & Appointments:
Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA


Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons

Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Associate Professor of Large Animal Surgery, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, New Bolton Center
Contact Information:

-Development and refinement of orthopedic surgical procedures to improve equine patient outcomes.
-Explore the use of advanced imaging and orthopedic surgery as a reciprocal tool in order to improve our diagnostic and surgical proficiency when diagnosing and surgically managing equine orthopedic injuries.
-Use of advanced imaging for the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries in equine sports medicine.

Equine Orthopedic Surgery
MIPO (Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis)
Fracture Repair
Advanced Imaging (Nuclear Medicine, Computed Tomography, MRI)
Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Lambert JL, García-López JM, Gasiorowski JC. Use of Locking Compression Plate and Locking Compression T-Plate for Surgical Arthrodesis of the Carpometacarpal and Distal Tarsal Joints in 13 Horses Veterinary Comparative Orthopedics and Traumatology : , 2022.

Davis, J. G., García-López, J. M. Arthroscopic findings and long-term outcomes in 76 sport horses with meniscal injuries (2008–2018) Veterinary Surgery 51: 409-417, 2022.

Prisk, A. J., García-López, J. M. Long-term prognosis for return to athletic function after interspinous ligament desmotomy for treatment of impinging and overriding dorsal spinous processes in horses: 71 cases (2012–2017) Veterinary Surgery 48: 1278-1286, 2019.

Bergren, A. L., Abuja, G. A., Bubeck, K. A., Spoormakers, T. J. P., García-López, J. M. Diagnosis, treatment and outcome of cranial nuchal bursitis in 30 horses Equine Veterinary Journal 50: 465-469, 2018.

Aarsvold, S., Solano, M., Garcia-Lopez, J. Magnetic resonance imaging following regional limb perfusion of gadolinium contrast medium in 26 horses Equine Veterinary Journal 50: 649-657, 2018.

Holowinski, M. E., Solano, M., Maranda, L., García-López, J. M. Magnetic resonance imaging of navicular bursa adhesions Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 53: 566-572, 2012.

García-López, J. M. Neck, back, and pelvic pain in sport horses Veterinary Clinics of North America - Equine Practice 34: 235-251, 2018.

Manso-Díaz, G., Dyson, S. J., Dennis, R., García-López, J. M., Biggi, M., García-Real, M. I., San Román, F., Taeymans, O. Magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of equine head disorders: 84 cases (2000-2013) Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 56: 176-187, 2015.

Abuja, G. A., García-López, J. M., Manso-Díaz, G., Spoormakers, T. J. P., Taeymans, O. The cranial nuchal bursa: Anatomy, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging and endoscopic approach Equine Veterinary Journal 46: 745-750, 2014.

Gross, J. E., Horan, R. L., Gaylord, M., Olsen, R. E., McGill, L. D., García-López, J. M., Biber, K., Barnico, K., Toponarski, I., Altman, G. An evaluation of SERI surgical scaffold for soft-tissue support and repair in an ovine model of two-stage breast reconstruction Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 134: 700e-704e, 2014.

B.S. (Biology) University of Puerto Rico, 1991

VMD University of Pennsylvania, 1996

Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons

Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Mid-Atlantic Equine Medical Center (1996 to 1997)
Rotating Internship

Tufts Cummings-School of Veterinary Medicine (1997 to 2000)
Residency Large Animal Surgery with Equine Sports Medicine Focus