New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
Emergencies & Appointments:
Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA

Surgical Oncology

Surgery is often the preferable option for local control of cancer. Successful removal of a localized cancer can be one of the best approaches to treat cancer patients and provide them with improved quality of life.

Surgical Oncology at Penn Vet

Penn Vet Cancer Care

Surgery as a Treatment Option

There are several reasons to choose a surgical approach.

  • To gather tissue for diagnosis. 
    • Surgery is used to remove tissue for biopsy, which allows diagnostic pathologists to make the most accurate diagnosis and treatment protocol.
  • For curative intent. 
    • The surgeon attempts to remove cancerous tissue or tumors with wide margins, and no cancer left behind. This approach can include other treatment options such as radiation and chemotherapy.
  • Cytoreductive surgery, the planned incomplete excision of a tumor, which is used when complete excision may have unacceptable consequences. 
    • The goal is to “downstage” the disease to microscopic level, and therefore enhance the response to other therapies.
  • In the instance of palliative care, the purpose of the surgery is to improve the quality of the patient’s life—though it may not extend it.