Penn Has a New Data Repository
Dryad is an open access generalist repository for STEM related data. It is a great option for data that does not fit into a disciplinary repository and does not need to have controlled access. Dryad supports your data sharing by providing persistent, unique identifiers (DOI’s), offering a permissible license for widespread use, linking datasets to related research outputs, and allowing the option to keep the dataset private for a related articles peer review period. The University of Pennsylvania’s membership covers fees for dataset deposits of up to 300GB, but Dryad can take up to 1TB of data per deposit (all data over 300GB incurs fees for the depositing
Dryad is a fully curated repository, where all datasets undergo curation to check for usability and thorough metadata. Dryad's team of skilled data curators reach out to depositors once a dataset is reviewed with feedback to improve usability and documentation for future users.
You can reach out to the Penn Libraries Research Data & Digital Scholarship team at for more information. They can help you identify an appropriate repository for your data. Check out their Data Management Resources Guide as well for more related information.
Free Unlimited Cloud Storage for Zotero Users
For University of Pennsylvania community members who use Zotero for citation management, file storage is about to get easier. The Penn Libraries have subscribed to Zotero Institution, which provides free, unlimited cloud storage for all current students, faculty, and staff.
Current Zotero users should add their Penn-affiliated email address at under “Manage Email Addresses.” Zotero will automatically update the account storage to unlimited. Any users who manage their Zotero account with a personal email address can simply add their Penn-affiliated email as an additional address on the account.
New users should simply register for a free account (using a personal email, if they want to continue use after their time at Penn), and then add their Penn-affiliated email address as explained above.
Already paying for individual storage? Once Zotero Institution is activated with a Penn-affiliated email address, Zotero will automatically set individual storage plans to not renew. Upon graduation, students can reactivate their individual storage plans.
Detailed instructions and a complete FAQ can be found on the Penn Libraries Zotero Guide.
Upcoming Data Workshops
Thursday, July 20, 2023, 2:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m.
Research Data & Digital Scholarship in conjunction with the Research Services Council invites you to the data repository petting zoo! The Penn Libraries provides access to several data repositories. Come learn about finding and accessing data in four of data repositories: ICPSR, Dryad, Qualitative Data Repository, and ScholarlyCommons. Presented by Lauren Phegley, Lynda Kellam, and Jo Thompson, they will demonstrate ways to find and access data, highlighting things to consider in each source. These are great resources for finding teaching datasets, supporting data reference questions, and investigating UPenn scholarly outputs.
Thursday, September 7, 2023, 11:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
This workshop will provide information and guidance for researchers on the new National Institute of Health (NIH) Data Management & Sharing Policy implemented on January 25, 2023. Since the University of Pennsylvania is a major recipient of NIH funding, it is vital that UPenn researchers are aware of this upcoming change and know how to comply. After this workshop, learners will be able to understand the purposes of the new policy, judge when the policy applies, define the six elements of the Data Management & Sharing Plan, and identify compliance expectations.
Thursday, September 14, 2023, 11:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
This workshop teaches researchers how to approach writing a data management plan (DMP). After this session, learners will understand the basic requirements of a DMP, understand how to utilize DMPTool to streamline their DMP writing, and recognize on campus data management support.
The main audience for this session is researchers who are writing a DMP for a grant proposal, but those who are interested in writing a DMP for project management purposes, such as for lab or team environments, and not for a grant submission are encourage to join. This session is discipline agnostic and applies to all researchers.
Thursday, September 21, 2023, 11:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
This workshop will introduce researchers to Dryad, a generalist data repository for STEM research data. This workshop will go through how to get signed up with Dryad, how to deposit research data, and how can increase your ability to comply with data sharing requirements. While this workshop will be most suitable for STEM researchers and those supporting them, anyone is welcome to join.
Ongoing Interest Groups
Next meeting: Thursday, September 7, 2023, 12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m.
PUG@Penn (Python Users Group) brings together members of the Penn community interested in or already working with the popular open-source programming language Python. This drop-in, informal, collaboratively-oriented group meets once per month to experiment and explore the many uses for Python across academic disciplines and industries. All are welcome - no prior experience with Python required! Whether you’re looking to get started on a new project, troubleshoot a current one, or discuss and learn about useful Python tools, applications, and libraries, you will find support and community in PUG@Penn.
Next meeting: Thursday, September 14, 2023, 12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m.
The R Penn Group (RPG) presented by the Research Data & Digital Scholarship team at Penn Libraries is an initiative that meets to discuss, learn, and collaborate on topics and projects related to statistics, mapping, data wrangling, visualization, and analysis with R programming language through community focused problem solving. We look forward to seeing you there! All skill levels are welcome.