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Penn Vet Stories

Robin - photograph courtesy of Jack Kemp

MEDIA ALERT - 70 Reports of Mysterious Songbird Deaths in Philadelphia Region, Across State

Wildlife Futures Program experts at Penn Vet and officials from the Pennsylvania Game Commission are investigating more than 70 general public reports of songbirds that are sick or dying dying due to an emerging health condition with an unknown cause.

PA Game Commission Logo

Forward-Thinking Wildlife Futures Program Recognized

The Northeast Wildlife Administrators Association of the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies in April honored the Pennsylvania Game Commission for the agency’s forward-thinking in establishing its Wildlife Futures Program.


Pennsylvania Game Commission and Penn Vet form the Wildlife Futures Program

In August 2019, Penn Vet and the Game Commission announced the Pennsylvania Wildlife Futures Program, a new science-based, wildlife health program that will increase disease surveillance, management and research to better protect wildlife across the Commonwealth.


From animals to people and back again

Last month, it was gorillas. Before that, it was mink. And earlier still, tigers and lions. All of these species have been confirmed to have had a diagnosis of COVID-19, infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.