Penn Vet | CCC Clinical Trials
New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
Emergencies & Appointments:
Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA

Pilot study of Frunevetmab (Solensia) and Meloxicam for palliative therapy of feline bone-invasive oral squamous cell carcinomas

This study will be the first to assess whether Solensia, in combination with meloxicam, provides superior pain relief compared to meloxicam alone.

cancer active Solensia carcinoma cancer anti-inflammatory active

Embolization or chemoembolization in dogs with hepatocellular carcinoma and utility of contrast-enhanced ultrasound versus CT angiogram in post-embolization assessment.

This trial will compare outcomes in dogs treated with embolization vs. chemoembolization and will also evaluate the accuracy of contrast enhanced ultrasound verses CT angiogram for post-embolization assessment.

cancer active liver tumors liver cancer hepatocellular carcinoma Embolization dogs with liver tumors dogs with liver cancer CT angiogram Contrast-enhanced ultrasound Chemoembolization active

Intraoperative assessment of marginal tissue after BCS resection using in-vivo topical application of a cathepsin-targeted molecular probe.

Evaluating the efficacy of a new near-infrared imaging agent when applied topically to tumor during surgery in dogs with mammary gland tumors

cancer active NIRI near-infrared imaging mgt mastectomy massie mammary tumor mammary gland tumor mammary carcinoma mammary adenocarcinoma holt clinical trial Holt breast cancer active

Intraoperative detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma margins in dogs using cathepsin-activated near-infrared (NIR) imaging

A clinical trial evaluating a new near-infrared (NIR) imaging agent to detect cancerous tissue in dogs with oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) during surgical excision.

cancer active surgery squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer SCC oral tumor NIRI near-infrared imaging mouth Holt Griffin epithelium epidermis Castejon cancer active

Evaluation of FLASH Proton RT in Naturally Occurring Canine Head and Neck Cancer

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and feasibility of a novel form of radiation therapy (RT) called FLASH proton radiation therapy for head and neck cancers in dogs.

cancer active radiation Oncology clinical trial cancer active

Cathepsin-activated near-infrared (NIR) imaging for intraoperative detection of insulinomas

A clinical trial evaluating a new near-infrared imaging agent to detect cancerous tissue in dogs with Insulinoma during surgical excision.

cancer active pancreatic Insulinoma clinical trial cancer active

Evaluation of Bendamustine as a Novel Chemotherapy Agent for Relapsed Canine Lymphoma

The purpose of this study is to evaluate different doses of bendamustine in dogs with lymphoma to evaluate its safety and effectiveness.

cancer active lymphoma dogs chemotherapy active

Intraoperative Detection and Resection of Tumors in Canines Using an Integrated Spectroscopy and Imaging System

A clinical trial to determine if near-infrared imaging can improve the surgeon’s ability to see cancer and cancer margins during surgery to remove primary lung tumors in dogs.

cancer active tumor surgery primary lung tumor Oncology metastasis mass margins lung tumor lung mass lung infrared Imaging Dr. David Holt diagnostic imaging comprehensive cancer care canine tumor canine lung tumor canine cancer cancer center cancer advanced imaging active

Comparison of the efficacy & impact on suppressor cells of CHOP vs. LOPP chemotherapy in canine T-cell lymphoma

CHOP vs. LOPP chemotherapy for T-cell Lymphoma

inactive lymphoma lymph node chemotherapy cancer active cancer