Penn Vet | Dual Degree Programs
New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
Emergencies & Appointments:
Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA
VMD-PhD student Jeff Carey

Dual Degree Programs at Penn Vet

In keeping with our commitment to clinical and research training with the goal of One Health, we offer dual degree programs to prepare students for the many career options now available to veterinarians.  The fact that we are part of a large biomedical research campus, in a university known for excellence in many fields, makes Penn Vet ideally positioned for combined degree studies.  

Our students have more than 500 research laboratories at Penn to choose among for their doctoral research. They also receive outstanding veterinary clinical training at each of our two locations, both equipped with excellent facilities. 

  • Small animal clinical training is performed at the Matthew J. Ryan Veterinary Hospital on the main Penn campus. 
  • For clinical training on large animals, our students travel to New Bolton Center in Kennett Square, an hour  from Penn Vet.

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Student Focus: Jeff Carey, VMD/PhD Candidate


VMD-PhD Program Leads in Training

Completing a veterinary degree—with four years of intensive classwork, clinical rotations, surgeries, community outreach, and more—takes perseverance. So does earning a PhD. It takes exceptional dedication to do both.

Dual Degree Program Options

  • VMD/PhD

    Founded in 1969, our VMD-PhD program trains veterinarian-scientists who will advance science and medicine by making game-changing contributions in their field. This program prepares students for a wide variety of careers, including ones in biomedical research, human and animal health, public health, pharmaceutical research, contract research, government service, the military and academia. Learn more about Penn Vet’s VMD/PhD program...


    Penn Vet’s VMD-MBA program is designed to address the challenge of feeding over nine billion people by the year 2050, when land and water will be limited globally, along with poor infrastructure, mounting inequality and the increasingly deleterious effects of climate change.

    This program focuses on the health and productivity of livestock and poultry both of which, with their animal-sourced protein, can potentially transform rural economies and feed the growing ranks of urban poor. Students in this program address business, health, environmental and societal challenges associated with livestock and poultry production in a global environment. Learn more about the VMD/MBA...


    The VMD/MES dual degree program is offered jointly by Penn Vet and Penn’s School of Arts and Sciences. This unique combined degree offers students the opportunity to earn a professional degree in Veterinary Medicine (VMD) and a Masters in Environmental Studies (MES) concurrently.


    The Penn Vet VMD-MPH dual degree program trains students in both veterinary medicine and public health. After earning their VMDs, students in this program go on to study epidemiology, biostatistics, and environmental health. They also learn about public health laws, ethics, and methodological practices, including how to design interventions and educational campaigns. Graduates of this dual-degree program find that their professional options are substantially increased. Learn more about the VMD/MPH...


    Because veterinarians interact closely with both animal patients and their human clients, they are uniquely privileged health care practitioners. These interactions offer numerous rewards, but at times the complexity of a clinical case can engender situations that challenge a veterinarian’s ability to manage.  Examples include:

    • A family, struggling with the decision to euthanize their dog or cat after a long and costly medical struggle
    • A client who is threatening violence
    • Farmer clients faced with gut-wrenching challenges to balance their own needs with those of their livestock
    • A colleague who might be dealing with suicidal thoughts
    • Myriad cases of animal abuse and neglect

    Learn more about the VMD/MSW...

Penn Vet VMD/MBA student, Elizabeth Collins, V'20

Focus: VMD/MBA Program

Elizabeth Collins, V'20

Elizabeth is a third-year veterinary student with an interest in One Health and global food security. She is a graduate of Becker College (2016) with degrees in veterinary technology and veterinary medicine.

She plans to pursue the combined VMD-MBA degree in recognition of the growing need for cross-disciplinary collaboration to address very large global problems like environmental stewardship and adequate food production. Her hope is to eventually perform research and consulting work focused on balancing environmental and wildlife health with sustainable food production.

Focus: VMD/PhD Program

The VMD-PhD Program has been in existence since 1969 and has gone through considerable expansion over the past decade. VMD-PhD This intensive training prepares students for multiple diverse career pathways. Graduates play vital roles in our society by excelling in the areas of biomedical research, human and animal health, public health, pharmaceutical research, contract research, government service, military careers, and academic careers.

VMD/PhD Faculty Researchers at Penn Vet
Susan Bender, VMD-PhD

Susan Bender, VMD/PhD

  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathobiology

Bruce Freedman, VMD/PhD

Hannah Galantino-Homer, VMD/PhD

Tom Parsons, Penn Vet, New Bolton Center, swine

Tom Parsons, VMD/PhD

Dr. Jenni Punt, Penn Vet

Jenni Punt, VMD/PhD

  • Professor of Immunology
  • Associate Dean for One Health
Dr. Laurel Redding, Penn Vet

Laurel Redding, VMD/PhD

  • Assistant Professor of Epidemiology

Mary Robinson, VMD/PhD

Dr. Susan Volk

Susan Volk, VMD/PhD

John Wolfe

John Wolfe, VMD/PhD