New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
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Ryan Hospital Philadelphia, PA
Working Dog Community Classes

Community Classes 

Community Classes & Scent Detection

The Penn Vet Working Dog Center offers a variety of classes open to the public.

Some of our most popular include:

  • Advanced Puppy - This class teaches you fun and reinforcing techniques to continue building the bond between you and your dog while building valuable skills that will help your puppy grow into a well-mannered and respectful young adult. For dogs 4-12 months old.
  • Basic Obedience - This class is designed to learn and improve on core skills that will enhance your relationship and give you and your dog the freedom to safely enjoy the world around them. For dogs 1+ year old.
  • Agility – Learn the basics of beginning agility including a variety of jumps, weaves, and contact obstacles. Handlers and dogs will learn the work together as a team as they progress towards running a novice agility course. For dogs 8+ months old.

We have partnered with Capable Canine to manage and promote our classes. To get a full list of our course offerings, or to learn more about registering for one of our classes, visit

Scent Detection for Pet Dogs

(Formerly known as Citizen Science)

The goal of the Scent Detection for Pets program is to provide an enriching course for dog/owner teams using the PVWDC philosophy of positive reinforcement to learn how to recognize a target odor and find this odor in different types of detection scenarios. Dog's learn to detect the training odor used at the PVWDC (Universal Detection Compound; UDC).

UDC is a safe man-made odor that resembles no other odor, meaning handlers of odor working dogs will not have to worry about it impacting their dog in odor detection competition or real-life work.

Through participation in the Scent Detection for Pets program, you and your dog will have a unique, fun experience together while learning techniques that will enhance your dog’s odor detection skills for sport, work, and life enjoyment.

We have partnered with Capable Canine to manage and promote our Citizen Science classes.